Day Care & Health Centres
Street children are the by –product of urbanization that is a big concern for all states and metro cities. Slum children are much neglected and deprived of basic rights and they become a part of street life. They just step out sometimes due to negligence of their parents, poor economic condition of the family, just for fun and time pass because no one is there at home to take care of them. Well to do working couples can afford luxurious day care centre for their children, but these poor people leave their children totally dependent on God’ wish or on their fate. In such conditions, some of them stay back at home, but most of them start living by their own way. As a preventive measure, TAABAR started Day Care Centre that provide education, health, nutrition, community strengthening services in slum or underprivileged areas of Jaipur. Around 1400 children children are getting the above service. TAABAR team dedicatedly works in shifts to groom these children and ensuring their right to education along with other rights. Not only the children, but communities, parents are stakeholders involved in this process.
# Enrol children in schools
# Children are getting pre-school education
# Children are getting after school support, educational support (tuition fee, books, uniforms etc.)
# Few of children are associated with the theatre group
# Children are being prepared as change agent to educate people on social issues through rallies, street plays, Baal Panchayat etc
# Developing leadership skills through children committee and children’s parliament.