Sneh Girls Shikshan Sansthan
Sneh Girls Shikshan Sansthan was initiated with the vision of ensuring right to education of girls. The Girl’s child discrimination is a universal problem. In India this problem gets mount due to social patterns and patriarchal society. Girl child education is less focused in rural as well as in urban areas. Girl child education is limited to higher income Group of lower income group. There have been so many reason since past to present for not giving importance of education to the girls. Orthodox thinking like daughters are estranged, ultimately daughter’s prime and customary job is to look after children, husband and taking care of kitchen; for this no educational qualification is needed. Besides this, they are perceived as care taker and baby sitter who do household chores, and take care of their siblings. Being a girls they are vulnerable to sexual abuse and exploitation, trafficking. Eve teasing kidnapping rape incidences scares the parents to send their daughters school. There are so many impediments in girl education.
Luniyawas was a village earlier but as Jaipur city got stretched this area was declared as settlement area, now it comes under municipal limits. The government acquired the land of farmers in the name of development. Most of the farmers left the villages, rest survived by doing occupation like grocery shop, daily wages labrour. Now the area is infested with migrated & untouchable, people, tribal and nomadic, lower caste people and daily wages laborers.
These people are backward in all spheres of life like lower income, insecurity of job, exploitation of contractors, family size; illiteracy etc. education of girls is less importance for these people due to social attitude, taboos, stigma, poor economic status, child marriages. In such scenario, sneh Girl Shikshan Sansthan is bliss to these poor girls and community. This is the first time when an English medium schools is being run in
Sneh Girls Shikshan Sansthan is an educational institution (Registered English Medium School) strategically situated at the intersection of an urban and rural area. The institution is specially focused to promote girl child in the vicinity. SGSS strives to promote free, qualitative, and continuous education to every girl child.
SGSS Opened in 2010, with a mission to provide a quality education in a safe and secure environment to the girls of Luniyawas, a semi urban setting in the Jaipur District of Rajasthan, India. SGSS recognizes that the education of the girl child is on the forefront of both the national and international development agenda, and strives to advance this agenda each and every day. In its infant year, faculty and staff of SGSS struggled to convince local parents to send their daughters to SGSS. Today, however, persistent efforts of individual have paid off, 200 girls are receiving a quality education at SGSS.
The Girls coming at the center are mostly belonging to a low income class background. The parents of the children are very poor and earn their livelihood on daily wages by engaging in petty works. Free education is given to the children and regular meetings are conducted with the parents as well.
Aims of the Project:
# Promote girl child education
# Empower the girl through education
# Build awareness among the people