Around 200 children of deprived communities and marginalised communities (Snake Charmers, nomadic tribes and migrants) are being catered and nurtured by providing various services that are necessary to ensure their holistic growth and development. Though, education is a fundamental and constitutional right but due to adverse geographic conditions, poverty, lack of mainstreaming hundreds of children are still deprived from educational rights in Jaipur city. Besides this, there are so many problems associated with like malnutrition, negligence, protection, poor health that make these children more vulnerable. TAABAR is running three day care centers for these underprivileged children on following locations:
⦁ Sapero Ki dhani
⦁ Bagariya Basti
⦁ Banjara Basti
We are taking care of these children’s basic needs through following serivce.
Day care center takes care of the chidlren’s educational rights and nurture them in such a way that they could be able to grow as a respectable citizen. Following children are being catered:
Children of working parents: after the declining of their traditional occupation, it is very difficult to get job as they are not skilled labour so most of the time they live under the shadow of fear will bread be available next day or not. Hence couples work together, behind there is no one to takes care of their children. In such conditions children are neglected, they spend their time in roaming, playing, searching dumping grounds, some of them start moving towards railway station and traffick signals and start begging. Money tempts other children too thus they make a gang. They become more vulnerable of physical, emotional and sexual abuse. Situation becomes worst in girls’s cases. Hence TAABAR day care center identifies such children and link them with day care center whether they are pre-school age children, non school going children, out of school children. They are prepared as per their need. Finally they are linked with formal education system. Children who are school going but do not have much support are provided after school support. Children of single parents and children who are in difficult circumstances due to any reason are getting benefit under the project.
Health and Hygiene
The activity aims at educating people on health and hygiene. They are educated on environmental hygiene, personal hygiene, prevention of seasonal illness like dengue, malaria, swine flu etc. Mobile Clinic Van ensures the health care of these children by regular health checkups, monitoring their vital growth, by taking preventive measures, providing referral services, free medicines etc.
Other integrated support
We provide the children free medication, nutrition, clothing, health and hygiene kits, counseling, free education, school bags, school books, note books, stationary items, Shoes, socks, Doctor consultation, etc. This initiative helps the children who come from extremely poor backgrounds a lot as they get most of their essential needs sorted when they come to our center.
Art and Craft, Theatre, Recreational Activities
Along with educational and academic activities, art and craft activities, recreational activities are organized for the children that encourage concentration and learning, increase confidence, social interaction.
Counseling Services
⦁ We identified the children and their families who required counseling and they were counseled to send their children at TAABAR Day Care center.
⦁ Provide regular counseling sessions by the counselors.
⦁ During the process of the counseling the efforts were done by the counselors to convince the parents/family members of the child to send their children to the TAABAR Day Care Centre and about the safety of their child.
⦁ There are trained and qualified counselors who have proper training and experience to identify the children who are in need of help.
Door to Door Awareness
Our team visits door to door to create awareness. They personally meet people and make them aware about children’s education and motivate them to send their children at day care center. They interact with community and learn their challenges and living patterns.