Mobile Library Van Inauguration
Honourable Chief Minister of Rajasthan Mrs. Vasundhara Raje inaugurating the Mobile Library Van.
She was so delighted with this concept and said that it is an innovative idea by TAABAR.
Mobile Library Van
There are many nomadic and tribes or traditional castes (Snake Charmers, Banjaras, Nats etc.) who are still living in miserable conditions. They are isolated and deprived from rights. Jaipur, being the capital of Rajasthan state accommodates number of migrants across the country who faces problems in setting up their lives. TAABAR is striving for bringing them into main stream society by focusing on education of their children through Mobile Library Van visits eight locations on a weekly basis.
# Deliver the gift of reading to the doorstep to the children and adults.
# Create awareness and change mindsets and behaviours regarding the Right to Education among the adults.
# Provide the expertise of teachers and librarians and other educational resources.
# Link children with the TAABAR Day Care Centre.
# Provide after school support for school going children.
# Provide reference books and competitive books to youth who are not able to even access their course books.
# Create an interest among adult women and men who were illiterate, they come and see, touch and browse the books that help to sustain the number of children in Mobile Classes.
# Conduct educational talks and workshop, street play for awareness, rallies etc.
# Engage children in recreational activities to avoid the boredom of education and refresh them.