TAABAR is implementing a comprehensive HIV/AIDS prevention programme through targeted interventions with the Bridge population (migrants & Street Children), aimed at controlling the spread of HIV and STI through information raising awareness about transmission and prevention of HIV/AIDS & STIs. All the activities are focused on safe sex through use of condoms. TAABAR facilitates easy access to condoms, treatment for STI, counselling and testing services. The project is being operated with kind support of Rajasthan State AIDS Control Society (RSACS), in Jaipur city.
Following services are being provided to the migrants and street children:
# Counseling for promotion of safe sex and condom use
# Behavioral change and communication through awareness & information on issues related with sex and sexuality, one-to-one and One to Group Counseling, Audio Visual Shows, Street Plays, Film Shows.
# STI Management and Treatment.
# Referral network and linkages with ICTC for HIV testing, STI management and other medical care services.
# Community mobilizing.
# Condom demo session to promote right use of condom without any fear, inhibitions and misconceptions.